B.A. (Theology)(Andrews University)
B.A. Honors (Biblical Studies)(University of Pretoria)(South Africa)
M.A. (Biblical Studies)(Distinction)(University of Pretoria)(South Africa)
Ph.D. (New Testament Studies)(Distinction Mark)(University of Pretoria)(South Africa)
D.Min. (Pastoral Psychology and Family Therapy)(Magna Cum Laude)(Pacific School of Religion, Berkeley, California)
Board Certified Christian Counselor – AACC (American Association of Christian Counselors); International Board of Christian Counselors
Crisis Counselor - NOVA (National Organization for Victims Assistance)
"The Reversal of Roles as the Reasoning for Remaining Christian in the Face of Hardship in the First Epistle of Peter" (Ph.D.)
“Discrepancy Analysis Engaging Emotional Intimacy” (D.Min.)
Published Articles:
"Christ: a Solution to Suffering in First Peter." Verbum et Ecclesia, 22(2), 392-400, 2001
"'U' are the church." Pacific Union Recorder, June, 2002
"'I' am gifted." Pacific Union Recorder, June, 2002
1 Peter. In Barry, John D. (Editor), Lexham Bible Dictionary (Bellingham, Washington: Logos Bible Software, 2011)
Published Book Review:
Michael Green, The Message of Matthew. Intervarsity Press, Leicester, 343 pp. Verbum et Ecclesia, 22(2), 479, 2001
Books Authored:
“Unlocking the Secrets of Jesus’ Stories,” 2012 (Available on Amazon.Com)
“Emotional Intimacy 101: The Surefire Way to Great Romantic Relationships,” 2013 (Available on Amazon.Com)
“Parenting by Principle: How to Raise Principled Children,” 2015 (Available on Amazon.Com)
"It Was For Me: I Am Forgiven," 2017 (Available on Amazon.com)
"15 Keys to a Great Marriage," 2019 (Available on Amazon.com)
"You are Worth it," 2021 (Available on Amazon.com)
Clinical Pastoral Education:
Completed one unit of CPE
Summer Colporteur Work
Ordained to the gospel ministry in April 1998
1992 > Chaplain at the Air Force Headquarters in Pretoria, South Africa (Compulsory Military Service)
1992 > Part-time Ministerial Intern: Pretoria Gesina (South Africa)(While in Military)
1993 – 1995 > Ministerial Internship as an associate pastor: Pretoria Central; Mountain View and Eastern Suburbs; Benoni (South Africa)
1996 – 1998 > Senior Pastor: Witbank, Middelburg, Ermelo District (South Africa)(Smaller Rural Churches)
1998 – 2001 > Senior Pastor: Johannesburg North (Large Church), Krugersdorp North District (Medium Church)
2001 – 2012 > Senior Pastor: Hollister, CA (Central California Conference)
2012 – 2016 > Vice President of Personnel and Human Resources (Central California Conference)(Since February 2012)
(Oversaw conference HR department, Immigration, Personnel, Legal Liaison between conference and attorneys)
2016 – Present > Ministerial Director & Evangelism Director (Central California Conference)(Since August 2016)
(Serving as the pastor for about 100 pastors in the conference’s territory)
2016 - Present > Administrator of the Master of Theological Studies degree (cohort offering) for La Sierra University (Riverside, California) and the Central California Conference
Substitute lecturer, University of Pretoria (Witbank Campus), Biblical Studies, 1998
Mentor for the Christian Reformed Theological Seminary, Benoni, South Africa, 1999-2001
Mentor for M.Div. cohort, Fuller Theological Seminary, California, 2002
Teach for the Masters of Theological Studies Degree, La Sierra University (Clovis Campus), California, 2019-present
Speaker at various camp meetings > Soquel (California), Sedaven (South Africa), North-West (South Africa), Namibia
Regular speaker for Adventist World Radio - Johannesburg, 1999-2001
Regular seminar presenter (for churches, conferences, and camp meetings)(also internationally)
Committee Involvement:
President: Senior Class, Helderberg College, 1991 (Satellite Campus of Andrews University)
Director, Volunteer Health Professionals, 2002-2008, 2011-Present (Chairman, 2012 – Present)
Board Member of Emmaus House (Executive Secretary of the Board)(Shelter for Battered Women), 2004-2007
Academic Conferences Attended:
Society of Biblical Literature, 2001, 2010, 2011
Adventist Society for Religious Studies, 2001, 2010, 2011
Society for New Testament Scholars (University Invitee), 1999
New Testament Society of South Africa, 1998, 2001
Seventh-day Adventist Theological Association of Southern Africa, 2000, 2001
University of Pretoria, New Testament Doctoral Congress, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001
American Association of Christian Counselors, 2007
Adventist Theological Society, 2010, 2011
Evangelical Theological Society, 2010, 2011
Presented Papers:
Seventh-day Adventist Theological Association of Southern Africa, 2000
University New Testament Doctoral Congress, 1998, 1999
Adventist Forum - San Diego, 2005
Professional Memberships:
Seventh-day Adventist Theological Association of Southern Africa, 2000, 2001
New Testament Society of South Africa, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001
Society of Biblical Literature, 2001, 2002, 2011, 2012
Adventist Society for Religious Studies, 2001, 2002, 2012
American Association of Christian Counselors, 2007 – Present
Adventist Theological Society, 2010 – 2011
Evangelical Theological Society, 2010 – 2011
Mission Trips:
Democratic Republic of the Congo, 1986 (Participant)
Zimbabwe, 1990 (Participant)
Ghana, 2005 (Group Leader)
Kenya, 2007 (Group Leader)
Semi-Professional Photographer (Actively co-instructs photography workshops; sells images on a major international macro stock agency – www.alamy.com)
My photography site is: www.pierresteenbergphotography.com